cleveland rocks

April 30, 2012 § Leave a comment

What a weekend! As I mentioned, we went to Cleveland for the Angels v. Indians game (we did not do well, as in we lost).

But I did have a great time in Cleveland. We stayed near the baseball field and went out to some cool places in the city’s bar and restaurant district. Best of all, we went to Iron Chef Michael Symon’s restaurant, Lola. Holy crap. It was probably the best meal I’ve ever eaten. My younger nephew ordered lamb heart and it was surprisingly delicious. I had duck that was to die for.

Also, about mid-meal, Emeril Lagasse walked in and sat down two tables down from us. My sister and I toyed endlessly with the idea of asking him for a picture until our waitress walked by and said “I wouldn’t.”

Basically, I had a great time and Cleveland is a really cool city. Can’t wait to go again!


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